Frank Scheuermeyer, MD, MHSC
Program Head – Emergency Medicine, Advancing Health
Clinical Associate Professor & Interim Research Director, UBC Department of Emergency Medicine
New developments in emergency department chest pain research: a BC experience
Chest pain is a ubiquitous emergency department (ED) presentation, with likely 1 million Canadian visits this year. Most patients with chest pain — including many with no serious heart disease — will undergo extensive and potentially invasive testing and unnecessary hospitalization, while others with serious heart disease will be discharged home without appropriate follow-up, representing a critical mismatch of patient need and appropriate care. Over the past two decades, emergency medicine, cardiology, and diagnostic imaging researchers have pioneered clinical pathways to allow for safe, rapid discharge of patients with no serious heart disease, while quickly identifying and correctly managing patients with serious illness. The goals of this talk are to provide insight into the role of care systems in chest pain management, describe the iterative improvement in patient care and outcomes, and provide future goals for enhanced care.
This is a hybrid event, you may attend in person or virtually. Please register and indicate your preference.