Vaccine Safety Surveillance in Canada: Opportunities for Equity
Advancing Health Scientist Dr. Naveed Janjua will share his expertise during this NCCID-CAIRE webinar.
Advancing Health Scientist Dr. Naveed Janjua will share his expertise during this NCCID-CAIRE webinar.
Hosted by Arthritis Research Canada and Michael Smith Health Research BC.
Hosted by the UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research.
UC Berkeley Public Health Alumni Association Board of Directors will host this webinar, featuring Advancing Health’s Dr. Anita Ho.
Join Advancing Health Scientist Dr. Skye Barbic to discuss the impact of systems on practice.
Join Advancing Health Scientist Dr. Bohdan Nosyk as they discuss their ongoing research.
This conference advances learning communities to improve health and health research ecosystems.
Advancing Health Program Head – Health Services & OutcomesDr. Jason Sutherland will share his perspectives on the road to policy-oriented health services research in Canada.
Celebrating Success and Looking Ahead to 2025! Connect, learn, and be inspired by projects that are making a meaningful impact at Providence.
Join Advancing Health Scientist Dr. Amanda Slaunwhite, Program Head – Evaluation Dr. Beth Snow, Program Manager Jenyo Banjo, and CCPHE’s Kate Roth as they discuss their ongoing research.