The work of our scientists, research associates, and staff are often found in the pages of top journals. Each year, our researchers publish over 400 peer-reviewed papers.

Systematic review of applied transportability and generalizability analysis: A landscape analysis
Read MoreVuong Q, Metcalfe RK, Ling A, Ackerman B, Inoue K, Park JJ
A theory of change for patient-initiated follow-up care in rheumatoid arthritis
Read MoreEster M, White K, Dhiman K, Zafar S, Subdar S, Zimmermann GL, Hoens AM, Manske SL, Hazlewood G, Lacaille D, Barber MRW, Panich N, Jung M, Perry MG, Twilt M, Then KL, Charlton A, Barber CEH
Developing a moral empowerment system for healthcare organizations to address moral distress: A case report
Read MoreAlonso-Prieto E, Swanson V, Mueller-Prevost V, Sutter D, Fee J, Petropanagos A, Clark DBA, Banner-Lukaris D, Virani A, Ebadi-Cook V, Blanding A, Thomson K.
Evaluation and management of chronic kidney disease: Synopsis of the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes 2024 Clinical Practice Guidelines
Read MoreMadero M, Levin A, Ahmed SB, Carrero JJ, Foster B, Francis A, Hall RK, Herrington WG, Hill G, Inker LA, Kazancıoğlu R, Lamb E, Lin P, McIntyre N, Morrow K, Roberts G, Sabanayagam D, Shlipak M, Shroff R, Tangri N, Thanachayanont T, Ulasi I, Wong G, Yang CW, Zhang L, Robinson KA, Wilson LM, Wilson RF, Kasiske BL, Cheung M, Earley A, Stevens PE, Schaeffner E.
Assessing the prevalence of unmet need for genetic counseling in Canada and exploring associations with sociodemographic factors
Read MoreBorle K, Austin J, Lynd LD
Outcomes of Total Ankle Replacement Versus Ankle Arthrodesis for the Treatment of End-Stage Ankle Arthritis: A Concise Follow-up, at a Minimum of 10 Years, of a Previous Report
Read MoreGlazebrook M, Balasubramaniam U, Walls A, Younger ASE, Penner M, Wing K, Dryden PJ, Daniels TR
Exploring the Sources and Experiences of Joy in Caregiving: Insights From Formal Caregivers in Long-Term Care.
Read MoreHung L, Boucher NA, Ren LH, Wong KLY, Wong JOY, Zhao Y, Wu T.
Behind the Frontlines: Insights for Supporting Mental Health and Staff Retention in the Long-Term Care Workforce.
December 29, 2024
Smith CB, Wong KLY, Dunn S, Gregorio M, Wong L, Huynh P, Hung L.
Immunobridging Trials: An Important Tool to Protect Vulnerable and Immunocompromised Patients Against Evolving Pathogens.
Read MoreCruz P, Lam JM, Abdalla J, Bell S, Bytyci J, Brosh-Nissimov T, Gill J, Haidar G, Hoerger M, Maor Y, Pagliuca A, Raffi F, Samuels F, Segev D, Ying Y, Lee LYW, on behalf of the Global Immunocompromised Health Coalition
Letter to the Editor: Regional variation in low-value musculoskeletal surgery: a nationwide study from the Finnish Care Register.
Read MoreDigiovanni CW, van Dijk CN, Glazebrook M, Koivu H, Hautamäki M, Härkönen A, Takao M, Thomas M, Mykkänen M, Stone JW, Younger A.
Addressing gender disparities in academic anesthesiology through structural change.
Read MoreFlexman AM, Sun LY, Lorello GR.