The work of our scientists, research associates, and staff are often found in the pages of top journals. Each year, our researchers publish over 400 peer-reviewed papers.

The impact of the Choosing Wisely Canada campaign on the simultaneous use of angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers: interrupted time-series analysis
December 13, 2022
Read MoreLaba T-L, Worthington HC, Cheng L, Chan FKI, Bansback N, Law MR
The Importance of Maintaining Reproductive Choices for Kidney Transplant Recipients
J Am Soc Nephrol
February 1, 2023
Read MoreSawinski D, Hendren E, Cunningham A, Niederhaus SV, Gill JS
Understanding the experiences, needs, and strengths of people with incomplete spinal cord injury who can ambulate
Read MoreJeawon M, Hase B, Miller S, Eng JJ, Bundon A, Chaudhury H, Maffin J, Clarkson R, Wright J, Mortenson WB
Management of Rectal Neuroendocrine Tumors by Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery
Read MoreLie JJ, Yoon HM, Karimuddin AA, Raval MJ, Phang PT, Ghuman A, Lee LH, Stuart H, Brown CJ
Advancing Reproductive Health through Policy-Engaged Research in Abortion Care
Semin Reprod Med
February 6, 2023
Read MoreMunro SB, Dunn S, Guilbert ER, Norman WV
Using a patient-centred composite endpoint in a secondary analysis of the Control of Hypertension in Pregnancy Study (CHIPS) Trial
February 7, 2023
Read MoreMetcalfe RK, Harrison M, Singer J, Lewisch M, Lee T, von Dadelszen P, Magee LA, Bansback N; the CHIPS Study Group
Stimulant Use and Chronic Cardiovascular Disease: Increasing Urgency of Intervention in the Context of a Toxic Illicit Drug Supply
J Gen Intern Med
February 7, 2023
Read MorePalis H, Gan W, Slaunwhite AK
Implications of the syntheses on definition, theory, and methods conducted by the Response Shift – in Sync Working Group
Read MoreSprangers MAG, Sawatzky R, Vanier A, Böhnke JR, Sajobi T, Mayo NE, Lix LM, Verdam MGE, Oort FJ, Sébille V; Response Shift – in Sync Working Group
Uptake and spending on biosimilar infliximab and etanercept after new start and switching policies in Canada: An interrupted time series analysis
Arthritis Care Res
February 8, 2023
Read MoreMcClean AR, Cheng L, Bansback N, Clement F, Tadrous M, Harrison M, Law MR
Physician financial incentives for use of outpatient intravenous antimicrobial therapy (OPAT): an interrupted time series analysis
Clin Infect Dis
February 16, 2023
Read MoreStaples JA, Ho M, Ferris D, Liu G, Brubacher JR, Khan M, Daly-Grafstein D, Tran KC, Sutherland JM
Comparative effectiveness of natalizumab on cognition in multiple sclerosis: A cohort study
Read MoreManouchehrinia A, Larsson H, Karim ME, Lycke J, Olsson T, Kockum I