The work of our scientists, research associates, and staff are often found in the pages of top journals. Each year, our researchers publish over 400 peer-reviewed papers.

Evaluating fatigue in patients recovering from COVID-19: validation of the fatigue severity scale and single item screening questions
Read MoreNaik H, Shao S, Tran KC, Wong AW, Russell JA, Khor E, Nacul L, McKay RJ, Carlsten C, Ryerson CJ, Levin A
Influence of previous experience with and beliefs regarding anal cancer screening on willingness to be screened among men living with HIV
Read MoreGillis JL, Grennan T, Grewal R, Ogilvie G, Gaspar M, Grace D, Lofters A, Raboud JM, Saarela O, MacPherson P, Rosenes R, Salit IE, Burchell AN; for the OHTN Cohort Study Team
Findings of Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter-2 Inhibitor Kidney Outcome Trials Applied to a Canadian Chronic Kidney Disease Population: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Read MoreYi TW, Atiquzzaman M, Zheng Y, Smyth B, Jardine M, Levin A
Sleep and Rest-Activity Rhythms in Recovering Patients with Severe Concurrent Mental and Substance Use Disorder: A Pilot Study
Read MoreJuda M, Pater J, Mistlberger RE, Schütz CG
Preparation for interfacility transport of the critically ill patient
Read MoreCournoyer A, Londei-Leduc L, Grunau B, Daoust R, Heidet M, Christian MD, Greene A, Scarborough F, Cavayas YA
Derivation and validation of a clinical decision rule to risk-stratify COVID-19 patients discharged from the emergency department: The CCEDRRN COVID discharge score
J Am Coll Emerg Physicians Open
December 22, 2022
Read MoreBrooks SC, Rosychuk RJ, Perry JJ, Morrison LJ, Wiemer H, Fok P, Rowe BH, Daoust R, Vatanpour S, Turner J, Landes M, Ohle R, Hayward J, Scheuermeyer F, Welsford M, Hohl C; the Canadian COVID-19 Rapid Response Network (CCEDRRN) for the Network of Canadian Emergency Researchers (NCER) and the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group (CCCTG)
Home-based and community-based activities that can improve mental wellness: a protocol for an umbrella review
Read MorePuyat JH, Mohebbian M, Gupta A, Ellis U, Ranote H, Almeida A, Ridgway L, Vila-Rodriguez F, Kazanjian A
Contribution of Obstructive Sleep Apnea to Disrupted Sleep in a Large Clinical Cohort of Patients with Suspected OSA
Read MoreYounes M, Gerardy B, Giannouli E, Raneri J, Ayas NT, Skomro R, Kimoff RJ, Series F, Hanly PJ, Beaudin A
Impact of an online, individualised, patient reported outcome measures based patient decision aid on patient expectations, decisional regret, satisfaction, and health-related quality-of-life for patients considering total knee arthroplasty: Results from a randomised controlled trial
J Eval Clin Pract
December 27, 2022
Read MoreMarshall DA, Trenaman L, MacDonald KV, Johnson JA, Stacey D, Hawker G, Smith C, Durand D, Bansback N
Moral Distress in Canadian Intensivists: A Complex Interplay of Contextual and Relational Factors
Read MorePiquette D, Burns KE, Carnevale F, Sarti AJ, Hamilton M, Dodek PM
Measuring the preferences of injectable opioid agonist treatment (iOAT) clients: Development of a person-centered scale (best-worst scaling)
Int J Drug Policy
December 29, 2022
Read MoreDobischok S, Metcalfe R, Matzinger E, Palis H, Marchand K, Harrison S, MacDonald S, Byres D, Schechter M, Bansback N, Oviedo-Joekes E
“The system always undermined what I was trying to do as an individual”: identifying opportunities to improve the delivery of opioid use services for youth from the perspective of service providers in four communities across British Columbia, Canada
Addict Sci Clin Pract
January 2, 2023
Read MoreMarchand K, Turuba R, Katan C, Fogarty O, Fairbank J, Tallon C, Mathias S, Barbic S