The work of our scientists, research associates, and staff are often found in the pages of top journals. Each year, our researchers publish over 400 peer-reviewed papers.

Gamification of dementia education in hospitals: a knowledge translation project
September 16, 2022
Read MoreHung L, Mann J, Battersby L, Parappilly B, Butcher C, Vicic A
Sex and Gender Bias as a Mechanistic Determinant of Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes
Read MoreKim I, Field TS, Wan D, Humphries K, Sedlak T
Using novel methodology to estimate the prevalence of mental disorders in British Columbia, Canada
Read MoreKaoser R, Jones W, Dove N, Tallon C, Small W, Vigo D, Samji H
Identifying candidate quality indicators of tools that support the practice of knowledge translation: a scoping review protocol
Read MoreBhuiya AR, Makarski J, Hayden L, Perrier L, Munce S, Lewis I, Graham ID, Holroyd-Leduc J, Straus SE, Stelfox HT, Strifler L, Lokker C, Li LC, Leung FH, Dobbins M, Ritchie LMP, Squires J, Rac V, Fahim C, Kastner M
Preferences and Insights for Participation in a Rheumatoid Arthritis Clinical Prevention Trial: A Mixed-Methods Study
Read MoreFleischer CL, Bemis EA, Feser ML, Kormendi VA, Zhang A, Ketcham K, White SD, Striebich CC, Deane KD, Harrison M
Correlation of SARS-CoV-2 Viral Neutralizing Antibody Titers with Anti-Spike Antibodies and ACE-2 Inhibition among Vaccinated Individuals
Read MoreGrunau B, Prusinkiewicz M, Asamoah-Boaheng M, Golding L, Lavoie PM, Petric M, Levett PN, Haig S, Barakauskas V, Karim ME, Jassem AN, Drews SJ, Sediqi S, Goldfarb DM
Primary care for individuals with serious mental illness (PriSMI): protocol for a convergent mixed methods study
BMJ Open
September 20, 2022
Read MoreGrudniewicz A, Peckham A, Rudoler D, Lavergne MR, Ashcroft R, Corace K, Kaluzienski M, Kaoser R, Langford L, McCracken R, Norris WC, O’Riordan A, Patrick K, Peterson S, Randall E, Rayner J, Schütz CG, Sunderji N, Thai H, Kurdyak P
Implementation of increased physical therapy intensity for improving walking after stroke: Walk ‘n Watch protocol for a multi-site stepped-wedge cluster randomized controlled trial
Read MorePeters S, Lim S, Bayley MT, Best K, Connell L, Corriveau H, Donkers S, Dukelow SP, Klassen TD, Milot MH, Sakakibara B, Sheehy L, Wong H, Yao J, Eng JJ
Abdominal sacrohysteropexy for large iatrogenic early postpartum vesicouterine fistula
Read MoreGeoffrion R, Badowski S
Direct medical costs of young-onset colorectal cancer: a worldwide systematic review
BMC Health Serv Res
August 30, 2022
Read MoreGarg R, Cheng V, Ellis U, Verma V, McTaggart-Cowan H, Peacock S, Loree JM, Sadatsafavi M, De Vera MA
Control of Line Complications with KiteLock (CLiCK) in the critical care unit: study protocol for a multi-center, cluster-randomized, double-blinded, crossover trial investigating the effect of a novel locking fluid on central line complications in the critical care population
August 30, 2022
Read MoreOrnowska M, Wong H, Ouyang Y, Mitra A, White A, Willems S, Wittmann J, Reynolds S
Clinical severity of Omicron SARS-CoV-2 variant relative to Delta in British Columbia, Canada: A retrospective analysis of whole genome sequenced cases
Read MoreHarrigan SP, Wilton J, Chong M, Abdia Y, Garcia HV, Rose C, Taylor M, Mishra S, Sander B, Hoang L, Tyson J, Krajden M, Prystajecky N, Janjua NZ, Sbihi H