The work of our scientists, research associates, and staff are often found in the pages of top journals. Each year, our researchers publish over 400 peer-reviewed papers.

A novel carbon-fibre adjustable reusable accessory (CARA) for supine breast positioning to reduce toxicity in breast adjuvant radiotherapy: a study protocol for a multicentre phase III randomized controlled trial
Read MoreDuzenli C, Chan EK, Bergman AM, Grahame S, Singer J, Burns L, Olson RA
One-year mortality of emergency department patients with substance-induced psychosis
PLoS One
June 21, 2022
Read MoreBarbic D, Whyte M, Sidhu G, Luongo A, Chakraborty TA, Scheuermeyer F, Honer WG, Stenstrom R
Effectiveness of a guideline implementation tool for supporting management of mental health complications after mild traumatic brain injury in primary care: protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Read MoreSilverberg ND, Otamendi T, Brasher PM, Brubacher JR, Li LC, Lizotte PP, Panenka WJ, Scheuermeyer FX, Archambault P, on behalf of the Canadian Traumatic Brain Injury Research Consortium (CTRC)
Finding Primary Care-Repurposing Physician Registration Data to Generate a Regionally Accurate List of Primary Care Clinics: Development and Validation of an Open-Source Algorithm
Read MoreCooper IR, Lindsay C, Fraser K, Hill TT, Siu A, Fletcher S, Klimas J, Hamilton MA, Frazer AD, Humphrys E, Koepke K, Hedden L, Price M, McCracken RK
Correlation between oral fluid and blood THC concentration: A systematic review and discussion of policy implications
Read MoreRobertson MB, Li A, Yuan Y, Jiang A, Gjerde H, Staples JA, Brubacher JR
Beyond dyadic communication: Network of communication in inflammatory arthritis teams
Read MoreGhanouni P, Inouye K, Gowan C, Hartford W, McKinnon A, McQuitty S, Backman CL, Li LC, Nimmon L
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of sector-independent treatment coordination for people with substance-related disorders following an online assessment (ASSIST): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Read MoreMueller-Stierlin AS, Röhrig J, Goetzl C, Krausz M, Lehle J, Prestin E, Schoch VE, Sutter L, Westenberg J, Cabanis M
A qualitative study exploring how young people perceive and experience substance use services in British Columbia, Canada
Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy
May 28, 2022
Read MoreTuruba R, Amarasekera A, Howard AM, Brockmann V, Tallon C, Irving S, Mathias S, Henderson J, Marchand K, Barbic S
Preparing for colorectal surgery: a qualitative study of experiences and preferences of patients in Western Canada
BMC Health Serv Res
June 1, 2022
Read MoreWang R, Yao C, Hung SH, Meyers L, Sutherland JM, Karimuddin A, Campbell KL, Conklin AI
Increasing toxicity of the illicit drug supply during COVID-19: the need for an accessible and acceptable safe supply
Read MorePalis H, Tu A, Scow M, Young P, Wood S, Hu K, Lock K, Shapiro A, Buxton J, Slaunwhite AK
Home Telemonitoring Technology for Patients With Heart Failure: Cost-Consequence Analysis of a Pilot Study
JMIR Form Res
June 2, 2022
Read MoreApantaku G, Mitton C, Wong H, Ho K