The work of our scientists, research associates, and staff are often found in the pages of top journals. Each year, our researchers publish over 400 peer-reviewed papers.

A scoping review of shared care models for rheumatoid arthritis with patient-initiated follow-up
Semin Arthritis Rheum
March 17, 2023
Read MoreBhangu G, Hartfeld NMS, Lacaille D, Lopatina E, Hoens AM, Barber MRW, Then KL, Zafar S, Fifi-Mah A, Hazlewood G, Barber CEH
Incremental expenditures attributable to daily dispensation and witnessed ingestion for opioid agonist treatment in British Columbia: 2014-2020
February 11, 2023
Read MoreNosyk B, Kurz M, Guerra-Alejos BC, Piske M, Dale L, Min JE
The living kidney donor profile index fails to discriminate allograft survival: implications for its use in kidney paired donation programs
Am J Transplant
December 5, 2022
Read MoreIrish GL, McMichael LC, Kadatz M, Boudville N, Campbell S, Chadban S, Chang D, Kanellis J, Sharples E, Gill JS, Clayton PA
SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine-Induced T-Cell Response after Three Doses in People Living with HIV on Antiretroviral Therapy Compared to Seronegative Controls (CTN 328 COVAXHIV Study)
Read MoreAlexandrova Y, Yero A, Bouassa R-SM, Comeau E, Samarani S, Brumme ZL, Hull M, Crawley AM, Langlois M-A, Angel JB, Cooper CL, Needham J, Lee T, Singer J, Anis AH, Costiniuk CT, Jenabian M-A
The testing imperative: Why the US EHE needs to renew efforts to expand HIV testing in clinical and community-based settings
Read MoreNosyk B, Fojo AT, Kasaie P, Enns B, Trigg L, Piske M, Hutchinson AB, DiNenno EA, Zang X, del Rio C
Emergency department experiences of people who use drugs who left or were discharged from hospital against medical advice
Read MoreMayer S, Langheimer V, Nolan S, Boyd J, Small W, McNeil R
The Patient-Provider Gap: A Cross-sectional Survey to Understand Barriers and Motivating Factors for Home Blood Pressure Monitoring in a CKD Cohort
Can J Kidney Health Dis
February 17, 2023
Read MoreBorkum M, Levin A, Williams J, Bevilacqua M
Effectiveness of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccines Against Hospitalization and Death in Canada: A Multiprovincial, Test-Negative Design Study
Read MoreNasreen S, Febriani Y, García HAV, Zhang G, Tadrous M, Buchan SA, Righolt CH, Mahmud SM, Janjua NZ, Krajden M, Serres GD, Kwong JC; on behalf of the Canadian Immunization Research Network Provincial Collaborative Network Investigators
The Association of the Post-Resuscitation On-Scene Interval and Patient Outcomes after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Read MoreKhan L, Hutton J, Yap J, Dodek P, Scheuermeyer F, Asamoah-Boaheng M, Heidet M, Wall N, Fordyce CB, van Diepen S, Christenson J, Grunau B
Intratympanic corticosteroids for Ménière’s disease
Read MoreWebster KE, Lee A, Galbraith K, Harrington-Benton NA, Judd O, Kaski D, Maarsingh OR, MacKeith S, Ray J, Vugt VAV, Westerberg B, Burton MJ