The work of our scientists, research associates, and staff are often found in the pages of top journals. Each year, our researchers publish over 400 peer-reviewed papers.

A Comparison of Ordered Categorical versus Discrete Choices within a Stated Preference Survey of Whole-Blood Donors
Read MoreSadique Z, Cairns J, Corte KD, Willis S, Miners A, Bansback N, Grieve R
Suicidal Ideation Amongst University Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Time Trends and Risk Factors
Read MoreJones LB, Vereschagin M, Wang AY, Munthali RJ, Pei J, Richardson CG, Halli P, Xie H, Rush B, Yatham L, Gadermann AM, Pendakur K, Prescivalli AP, Munro L, Bruffaerts R, Auerbach RP, Mortier P, Vigo DV
An online individualised patient decision aid improves the quality of decisions in patients considering total knee arthroplasty in routine care: A randomized controlled trial
Osteoarthr Cartil Open
June 25, 2023
Read MoreBansback N, Trenaman L, MacDonald KV, Durand D, Hawker G, Johnson JA, Smith C, Stacey D, Marshall DA
Safety and Tolerability of Oral Cannabinoids in People Living with HIV on Long-Term ART: A Randomized, Open-Label, Interventional Pilot Clinical Trial
Read MoreBouassa RSM, Needham J, Nohynek D, Singer J, Lee T, Bobeuf F, Samarani S, Balso LD, Paisible N, Vertzagias C, Sebastiani G, Margolese S, Mandarino E, Klein M, Lebouché B, Cox J, Brouillette MJ, Routy JP, Szabo J, Thomas R, Huchet E, Vigano A, Jenabian MA, Costiniuk CT
Baseline Characteristics and Representativeness of Participants in the BEST-Fluids Trial: A Randomized Trial of Balanced Crystalloid Solution Versus Saline in Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation
Read MoreCollins MG, Fahim MA, Pascoe EM, Hawley CM, Johnson DW, Varghese J, Hickey LE, Clayton PA, Gill JS, Dansie KB, McConnochie RC, Vergara LA, Kiriwandeniya C, Reidlinger D, Mount PF, Weinberg L, McArthur CJ, Coates PT, Endre ZH, Goodman D, Howard K, Howell M, Jamboti JS, Kanellis J, Laurence JM, Lim WH, McTaggart SJ, O’Connell PJ, Pilmore HL, Wong G, Chadban SJ
What is the value and impact of the adaptation process on quality indicators for local use? A scoping review
Read MoreZhu S, Wu T, Leese J, Li LC, He C, Yang L
The urgency to regulate validation of automated blood pressure measuring devices: a policy statement and call to action from the world hypertension league
Read MoreSharman JE, Ordunez P, Brady T, Parati G, Stergiou G, Whelton PK, Padwal R, Olsen MH, Delles C, Schutte AE, Tomaszewski M, Lackland DT, Khan N, McManus RJ, Tsuyuki RT, Zhang XH, Murphy LD, Moran AE, Schlaich MP, Campbell NRC
Association between social jetlag and sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) in adolescents in Western Canada
Eur J Public Health
December 7, 2022
Read MoreZhang K, Guhn M, Conklin AI
Impact of frailty on a minimalist approach and early discharge following TAVI
Read MoreSathananthan J, Lauck SB, Cairns J, Humphries KH, Natarajan M, Wijeysundera HC, Cohen DJ, Leon MB, Webb JG, Wood DA
Risk factors for COVID-19 hospitalization following COVID-19 Vaccination: a population-based cohort study in Canada
Int J Infect Dis
December 8, 2022
Read MoreGarcía HAV, Adu PA, Harrigan S, Wilton J, Rasali D, Binka M, Sbihi H, Smolina K, Janjua NZ
Does Vaccination Protect against Human Papillomavirus-Related Cancers? Preliminary Findings from the United States National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2011–2018)
Read MoreIssanov A, Karim ME, Aimagambetova G, Dummer TJB