The work of our scientists, research associates, and staff are often found in the pages of top journals. Each year, our researchers publish over 400 peer-reviewed papers.

Colorectal Cancer and Onset of Anxiety and Depression: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Read MoreCheng V, Oveisi N, McTaggart-Cowan H, Loree JM, Murphy RA, De Vera MA
Mobile phone access and preferences among medical inpatients at an urban Canadian hospital for post-discharge planning: A pre-COVID-19 cross-sectional survey
Read MoreAboMoslim M, Babili A, Ghaseminejad-Tafreshi N, Manson M, Fattah F, Joueidi SE, Staples JA, Tam P, Lester RT
Application of Two-Eyed Seeing in Adolescent Mental Health to Bridge Design Thinking and Indigenous Collective Storytelling
Int J Environ Res Public Health
November 14, 2022
Read MoreSam J, Richardson CG, Currie LM
Stimulant use disorder diagnosis and opioid agonist treatment dispensation following release from prison: a cohort study
Read MorePalis H, Zhao B, Young P, Korchinski M, Greiner L, Nicholls T, Slaunwhite A
Pharmacogenomic Testing for Major Depression: A Qualitative Study of the Perceptions of People with Lived Experience and Professional Stakeholders
Can J Psychiatry
November 28, 2022
Read MoreSlomp C, Morris E, Edwards L, Hoens AM, Landry G, Riches L, Ridgway L, Bryan S, Austin J
Wideband Tympanometry in Adults with Severe to Profound Hearing Loss with and without Cochlear Implants
Read MoreAttias J, Shahnaz N, Efrat C, Westerberg B, Lea J, David E, Zavdy O, Hilly O
The Impact of Mask Mandates on Face Mask Usage During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Survey Study
Read MoreBinka M, Adu PA, Jeong D, Vadlamudi NK, García HAV, Mahmood B, Buller-Taylor T, Otterstatter M, Janjua NZ
Direct Health Care Costs Associated With Multiple Sclerosis: A Population-Based Cohort Study From 2001 to 2020 in British Columbia, Canada
Read MoreKhakban A, Llorian ER, Michaux KD, Patten SB, Traboulsee A, Oh J, Lynd LD; on behalf of CanProCo Study Group
Discontinuation and tapering of prescribed opioids and risk of overdose among people on long-term opioid therapy for pain with and without opioid use disorder in British Columbia, Canada: A retrospective cohort study
Read MoreKennedy MC, Crabtree A, Nolan S, Mok WY, Cui Z, Chong M, Slaunwhite A, Ti L
Magnetic resonance imaging predictors (cartilage, osteophytes and meniscus) of prevalent and 3-year incident medial and lateral tibiofemoral knee joint tenderness and patellofemoral grind
Read MoreSayre EC, Guermazi A, Nicolaou S, Esdaile JM, Kopec JA, Singer J, Wong H, Thorne A, Cibere J