The work of our scientists, research associates, and staff are often found in the pages of top journals. Each year, our researchers publish over 400 peer-reviewed papers.

Risk factors for pre-eclampsia in clinical practice guidelines: Comparison with the evidence
Read MoreElawad T, Scott G, Bone JN, Elwell H, Lopez CE, Filippi V, Green M, Khalil A, Kinshella MLW, Mistry HD, Pickerill K, Shanmugam R, Singer J, Townsend R, Tsigas EZ, Vidler M, Volvert ML, von Dadelszen P, Magee LA; the PRECISE Network
Towards the elimination of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a Lancet Commission
Read MoreStolz D, Mkorombindo T, Schumann DM, Agusti A, Ash SY, Bafadhel M, Bai C, Chalmers JD, Criner GJ, Dharmage SC, Franssen FME, Frey U, Han M, Hansel NN, Hawkins NM, Kalhan R, Konigshoff M, Ko FW, Parekh TM, Powell P, van Mölken MR, Simpson J, Sin DD, Song Y, Suki B, Troosters T, Washko GR, Welte T, Dransfield MT
The association between cannabis and codeine use: a nationally representative cross-sectional study in Canada
Read MoreGarg R, Shojania K, De Vera MA
The Overdose Crisis and Using Alone: Perspectives of People Who Use Drugs in Rural and Semi-Urban Areas of British Columbia
Read MoreFernando S, Hawkins J, Kniseley M, Sikora M, Robson J, Snyder D, Battle C, Salmon A
Pelvic floor healing milestones after obstetric anal sphincter injury: a prospective case control feasibility study
Read MoreTilak M, Mann GK, Gong M, Koenig NA, Lee T, Geoffrion R
COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness in patients with non-dialysis dependent chronic kidney diseases; findings from a population based observational study from British Columbia, Canada
Read MoreAtiquzzaman M, Zheng Y, Er L, Djurdjev O, Singer J, Krajden M, Balamchi S, Thomas D, Oliver MJ, Levin A
Shared decision-making in cardiac care: can we close the gap between good intentions and improved outcomes?
Read MoreLauck S, Lewis K
What is the risk of returning to the emergency department within 30 days for patients diagnosed with substance-induced psychosis?
Can J Emerg Med
September 15, 2022
Read MoreBarbic D, Whyte M, Sidhu G, Luongo A, Stenstrom R, Chakraborty TA, Scheuermeyer F, Honer WG, Lane DJ
Validation and endorsement of health system performance measures for opioid use disorder in British Columbia, Canada: A Delphi panel study
Drug Alcohol Depend Rep
September 8, 2022
Read MoreKamran H, Piske M, Min J, Pearce L, Zhou H, Homayra F, Wang L, Small W, Nosyk B
Association of alternative polysomnographic features with patient outcomes in obstructive sleep apnea: a systematic review
Read MoreHajipour M, Baumann B, Azarbarzin A, Allen AJH, Liu Y, Fels S, Goodfellow S, Singh A, Jen R, Ayas NT