The work of our scientists, research associates, and staff are often found in the pages of top journals. Each year, our researchers publish over 400 peer-reviewed papers.

National strategy on the integration of sleep and circadian rhythms into public health research and policies: Report from the Canadian Sleep and Circadian Network
Read MoreChaput JP, Gariépy G, Pendharkar SR, Ayas NT, Samuels C, Vallières A, Davidson JR, Morin CM, Simonelli G, Bourguinat C, Gruber R, Petit D, Narang I, Viau V, Carrier J
Highlighting the need for investment and innovation in ART retention interventions
Lancet Glob Health
September 1, 2022
Read MoreNosyk B, Humphrey L
Measuring, Analyzing, and Presenting Work Productivity Loss in Randomized Controlled Trials: A Scoping Review
Read MoreZhang W, Tocher P, L’Heureux J, Sou J, Sun H
The social and economic impacts of cervical cancer on women and children in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review
Read MoreDau H, Trawin J, Nakisige C, Payne BA, Vidler M, Singer J, Orem J, Smith L, Ogilvie G
Developmental evaluation during the COVID-19 pandemic: Practice-based learnings from projects in British Columbia, Canada
Evaluation J Australas
August 13, 2022
Read MoreIyamu I, Berger M, Fernando S, Snow ME, Salmon A
Eligibility for Noninvasive Testing Based on the 2021 American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology Guideline for the Evaluation and Diagnosis of Stable Chest Pain: Implications From the PROMISE Trial
Read MoreFordyce CB, Hill CL, Foldyna B, Douglas PS; on behalf of the PROMISE Investigators
Female sex and prognosis following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: does lack of statistical significance equal clinically insignificant?
August 11, 2022
Read MoreChoi JI, Fordyce CB
Are higher antibody levels against seasonal human coronaviruses associated with a more robust humoral immune response after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination?
Read MoreAsamoah-Boaheng M, Grunau B, Karim ME, Jassem AN, Bolster J, Marquez AC, Scheuermeyer FX, Goldfarb DM
Opium tincture versus methadone for opioid agonist treatment: A randomized controlled trial
Read MoreNikoo M, Kianpoor K, Nikoo N, Javidanbardan S, Kazemi A, Choi F, Vogel M, Gholami A, Tavakoli S, Wong JSH, Moazen-Zadeh E, Givaki R, Jazani M, Mohammadian F, Moghaddam NM, Schütz C, Jang K, Akhondzadeh S, Krausz M
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on HCV care cascade in Rwanda: Ecological study from July 2019 to June 2021
Read MoreMakuza JD, Jeong D, Soe P, Bartlett S, García HAV, Binka M, Adu P, Dushimiyimana D, Dushimiyimana V, Maliza C, Nisingizwe MP, Rwibasira G, Tuyishime A, Janjua NZ
The Impact of 51 Risk Factors on Life Expectancy in Canada: Findings from a New Risk Prediction Model Based on Data from the Global Burden of Disease Study
Int J Environ Res Public Health
July 23, 2022
Read MoreKopec JA, Sayre EC, Shams B, Li LC, Xie H, Feehan LM, Esdaile JM