The work of our scientists, research associates, and staff are often found in the pages of top journals. Each year, our researchers publish over 400 peer-reviewed papers.

Impact of the single site order in LTC: exacerbation of an overburdened system
BMC Health Serv Res
June 20, 2023
Read MoreHavaei F, Sims-Gould J, Staempfli S, Franke T, Park M, Ma A, Kaulius M.
What can publicly funded schools teach us about how to fix the family doctor shortage?
Healthc Manage Forum.
June 19, 2023.
Read MoreMcCracken RK, Hedden L.
Dispensing mifepristone for medical abortion in Canada: Pharmacists’ experiences of the first year
Can Pharm J (Ott)
June 8, 2023
Read MoreZusman EZ, Munro S, Norman WV, Soon JA.
Medicare Beneficiaries’ Perspectives on the Quality of Hospital Care and Their Implications for Value-Based Payment
Read MoreTrenaman L, Harrison M, Hoch JS
Using videos and films with people with major cognitive disorder living in care settings: A scoping review.
Read MoreWong KLY, Bayani M, Mann J, Berndt A, Wong L, Wang C, Pan D, Hung L.
Understanding what patients and physicians need to improve their decision-making about antenatal corticosteroids in late preterm gestation: a qualitative framework analysis.
Read MoreFoggin H, Metcalfe R, Hutcheon JA, Bansback N, Burrows J, Karacebeyli E, Shivananda S, Boutin A, Liauw J.
TikTok and #OccupationalTherapy: Cross-sectional Study.
JMIR Form Res.
May 19, 2023.
Read MoreChasca W, Nerada S, Zenone M, Barbic S.
The Medical Abortion Prescriber Checklist and Resource Guide: Tools for prescribers.
Read MoreWahl K, Norman WV, Esch KV, Williams A, Wylie A, Munro S.