The work of our scientists, research associates, and staff are often found in the pages of top journals. Each year, our researchers publish over 400 peer-reviewed papers.

Schütz CG; Rapid-response impulsivity: Definitions, measurement issues, and clinical implications
May 29, 2015
Read MoreHamilton KR, Littlefield AK, Anastasio NC, Cunningham KA, Fink LH, Wing VC, Mathias CW, Lane SD, Schütz CG, Swann AC, Lejuez CW, Clark L, Moeller FG, Potenza MN. Rapid-response impulsivity: Definitions, measurement issues, and clinical implications. Personal Disord. 2015 Apr;6(2):168-81. doi: 10.1037/per0000100. PubMed PMID: 25867840.
Shojania K; Development of Canadian Recommendations for the Management of ANCA-Associated Vasculitides: Results of the National Needs Assessment Questionnaire
May 29, 2015
Read MoreFamorca L, Twilt M, Barra L, Bakowsky V, Benseler S, Cabral D, Carette S, Dhindsa N, Fifi-Mah A, Goulet M, Khalidi N, Khraishi M, McGeoch L, Milman N, Pineau C, Shojania K, Taylor-Gjevre R, Towheed T, Trudeau J, Yacyshyn E, Liang P, Pagnoux C; Canadian Vasculitis network (CanVasc). Development of Canadian recommendations for the management of ANCA-associated vasculitides: Results of the National Needs Assessment Questionnaire. Open Rheumatol J. 2015 Apr 14;9:16-20. doi: 10.2174/18743129014090100016. eCollection 2015. PubMed PMID: 25893028; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4397821.
Singer J; Association between Chronic Rhinosinusitis and Health-Related Quality of Life in Adults with Cystic Fibrosis
May 29, 2015
Read MoreHabib AR, Buxton JA, Singer J, Wilcox PG, Javer AR, Quon BS. Association between chronic rhinosinusitis and health-related quality of life in adults with cystic fibrosis. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2015 May 26. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26011015.
Stenstrom RJ; Association between mental health apprehensions by police and monthly income assistance (welfare) payments
May 29, 2015
Read MorePickett TA, Stenstrom RJ, Abu-Laban RB. Association between mental health apprehensions by police and monthly income assistance (welfare) payments. Can J Psychiatry. 2015 Mar;60(3):146-50. PubMed PMID: 25886690; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4394714.
Westerberg BD; Nocardia asteroides sinusitis in a pediatric patient: Case report with 20 year follow-up and review of the literature
May 29, 2015
Read MoreSorichetti B, Westerberg BD, Tan R, Kozak FK. Nocardia asteroides sinusitis in a pediatric patient: Case report with 20 year follow-up and review of the literature. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2015 Apr 18. pii: S0165-5876(15)00181-0. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2015.04.022. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25943955.
Dodek P; Prevalence, risk factors, and outcomes of delirium in mechanically ventilated adults
May 29, 2015
Read MoreMehta S, Cook D, Devlin JW, Skrobik Y, Meade M, Fergusson D, Herridge M, Steinberg M, Granton J, Ferguson N, Tanios M, Dodek P, Fowler R, Burns K, Jacka M, Olafson K, Mallick R, Reynolds S, Keenan S, Burry L; SLEAP Investigators; Canadian Critical Care Trials Group. Prevalence, risk factors, and outcomes of delirium in mechanically ventilated adults. Crit Care Med. 2015 Mar;43(3):557-66. doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000000727. PubMed PMID: 25493968.
Frankish J; Effect of scattered-site housing using rent supplements and intensive case management on housing stability among homeless adults with mental illness: a randomized trial
May 29, 2015
Read MoreStergiopoulos V, Hwang SW, Gozdzik A, Nisenbaum R, Latimer E, Rabouin D, Adair CE, Bourque J, Connelly J, Frankish J, Katz LY, Mason K, Misir V, O’Brien K, Sareen J, Schütz CG, Singer A, Streiner DL, Vasiliadis HM, Goering PN; At Home/Chez Soi Investigators. Effect of scattered-site housing using rent supplements and intensive case management on housing stability among homeless adults with mental illness: a randomized trial. JAMA. 2015 Mar 3;313(9):905-15. doi: 10.1001/jama.2015.1163. PubMed PMID: 25734732.
Geller J; Individual and household predictors of adolescents’ adherence to a web-based intervention
June 11, 2015
Read MoreMâsse LC, Watts AW, Barr SI, Tu AW, Panagiotopoulos C, Geller J, Chanoine JP. Individual and household predictors of adolescents’ adherence to a web-based intervention. Ann Behav Med. 2015 Jun;49(3):371-83. doi: 10.1007/s12160-014-9658-z. PubMed PMID: 25270826.
Gill J, Gill JS; A Lifetime of Allograft Function with Kidneys from Older Donors
May 29, 2015
Read MoreRose C, Schaeffner E, Frei U, Gill J, Gill JS. A lifetime of allograft function with kidneys from older donors. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2015 Mar 26. pii: ASN.2014080771. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25814474.
Gill JS; The canadian kidney paired donation program: A national program to increase living donor transplantation
May 29, 2015
Read MoreCole EH, Nickerson P, Campbell P, Yetzer K, Lahaie N, Zaltzman J, Gill JS. The Canadian kidney paired donation program: A national program to increase living donor transplantation. Transplantation. 2015 May;99(5):985-90. doi: 10.1097/TP.0000000000000455. PubMed PMID: 25340607.
Gill JS; Kidney Transplantation in HIV-Infected Recipients: Encouraging Outcomes, but Registry Data Are No Longer Enough
May 29, 2015
Read MoreWright AJ, Gill JS. Kidney transplantation in HIV-infected recipients: Encouraging outcomes, but registry data are no longer enough. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2015 Mar 19. pii: ASN.2015010059. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25791726.
Grafstein E; Emergency Department Patients With Atrial Fibrillation or Flutter and an Acute Underlying Medical Illness May Not Benefit From Attempts to Control Rate or Rhythm
May 29, 2015
Read MoreScheuermeyer FX, Pourvali R, Rowe BH, Grafstein E, Heslop C, MacPhee J, McGrath L, Ward J, Heilbron B, Christenson J. Emergency department patients with atrial fibrillation or flutter and an acute underlying medical illness may not benefit from attempts to control rate or rhythm. Ann Emerg Med. 2015 May;65(5):511-522.e2. doi: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2014.09.012. Epub 2014 Nov 6. PubMed PMID: 25441768.