The work of our scientists, research associates, and staff are often found in the pages of top journals. Each year, our researchers publish over 400 peer-reviewed papers.

Clinical care for severe and persistent eating disorders in pediatric populations: Perspectives of health professionals.
Read MoreCoelho JS, Pardiwala T, Marshall SK, Lam PY, Grewal S, Virani A, Pérez AO, Geller J.
Place of care and death preferences among recently bereaved family members: a cross-sectional survey
Read MoreO’Sullivan A, Larsdotter C, Sawatzky R, Alvariza A, Imberg H, Cohen J, Öhlén J.
Clinicians’ experiences implementing an advance care planning pathway in two Canadian provinces: a qualitative study.
Read MoreStevens J, Elston D, Tan A, Barwich D, Carter RZ, Cochrane D, Frenette N, Howard M.
Oral appliance therapy and hypoglossal nerve stimulation as non-positive airway pressure treatment alternatives for obstructive sleep apnea: a narrative expert review.
Read MoreParthasarathy S, Ayas NT, Bogan R, Hwang D, Kushida C, Lown JS, Ojile JM, Patel I, Prasad B, Rapoport DM, Strollo P, Vanderveken OM, Viviano J.
Patient-driven research priorities for patient-centered measurement.
Read MoreHoward AF, Warner L, Cuthbertson L, Sawatzky R.
Expert opinions for refractory cardiac arrest: Double Sequential External Defibrillation, Vector Change, and eCPR.
Read Morevan Diepen S, May MRL, Alfaro P, Goldfarb MJ, Luk A, Mathew R, Peretz-Larochelle M, Rayner-Hartley E, Russo JJ, Senaratne JM, Ainsworth C, Belley-Côté E, Fordyce CB, Kromm J, Overgaard CB, Schnell G, Wong GC.
Health Care Encounters Prior to Hospitalization for Cerebral Venous Thrombosis Patients.
Read MoreWaheed Z, Field TS, Zhou LW.
A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Bystander Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR): Behavioural Changes in the COVID-19 Era.
Read MoreShadarevian J, Li J, Allan KS, Grunau B, Sapp J, Dhillon S, Saini SS, Chakrabarti A, Chakrabarti S.
Impact of Antigen Exposure on Outcomes and Treatment Response in Fibrotic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis.
Read MoreMullin ML, Fernandez G, Marinescu DC, Zheng B, Wong AW, Assayag D, Fisher JH, Johannson KA, Khalil N, Kolb M, Manganas H, Marcoux V, Morisset J, Min B, Farrand E, Ryerson CJ.
Arthroscopy-assisted Minimally Invasive Tarsometatarsal and Lisfranc Arthrodesis. A Case Series.
Read MoreAngthong C, Rajbhandari P, Veljkovic A.
Epidemiology of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: opportunities and hurdles for population-level studies of rare disease.
Read MoreMarinescu DC, Wong AW.