Drs. Rick Sawatzky and Jose Valderas (University of Exeter) recently received a 2019 UBC Partnership Development Fund Grant for a collaborative initiative between CHÉOS, Trinity Western University School of Nursing,and The Health Services & Policy Research Group of the University of Exeter Collaboration for Academic Primary Care (APEx) in Exeter, UK. Dr. Valderas is a Professor of Health Services and Policy Research at the University of Exeter and president of the International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL).
The initiative will support multiple events and joint research projects on the routine use of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in frail elderly people. Dr. Sawatzky is the Program Head for Patient-Report Outcomes at CHÉOS.
“This is a very exciting opportunity for enhancing international research collaborations,” said Dr. Sawatzky. “Our main focus is on bringing together international experts on PROMs and strengthening our research programs by developing the means to effectively exchange information and thereby set directions for future research on the use of PROMs for enhancing person-centred health care of seniors who are living with frailty.”
To kick off the proposed development work, a two-day workshop will take place in Vancouver on May 16 and 17, 2019. This workshop will offer the opportunity for researchers, graduate students, and clinicians to present on and learn about PROMs research projects focused on seniors as the basis for planning international research activities. As part of the workshop, Dr. Valderas and Dr. Ian Porter will be offering a public presentation on “The evidence for routine feed-back of PROMs in clinical practice: Implications for multimorbid frail, older adults” at St. Paul’s Hospital at noon on May 16.
Building upon this initial workshop and working in collaboration with Dr. Valderas, an International Symposium will also take place in Leeds, UK on June 14, 2019 following the Annual PROMs UK Conference. The Symposium will feature leading researchers and knowledge users from Canada and Europe who are experts in the use and study of PROMs with seniors.
“Beyond the physical events we are planning, the opportunities coming out of this initiative will allow us to develop a shared program of research,” added Dr. Sawatzky. “This includes co-applications for funding as well as the adaptation and replication of studies that fit local health care contexts. This is truly a unique opportunity to lay the groundwork for long-lasting and fruitful cooperation between our two centres.”
More details about the upcoming workshop in Vancouver and the proposed International Symposium will be available in the next few weeks. Funds for the new grant are provided by the Global Partnerships program of the University of Exeter, CHÉOS, and the Canada Research Chair in Person-Centred Outcomes held by Sawatzky at Trinity Western University.