Troy Grennan

Scientist, MD, M.SC., FRCPC, DTM&H

Dr. Troy Grennan is currently the Physician Lead for the Provincial HIV/STI Program at the BC Centre for Disease Control, as well as a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the University of British Columbia.

Research Interests

  • HIV/STI prevention
  • MSM health
  • HPV-associated cancers
  • Anal cancer screening

Following training in internal medicine, infectious diseases, and medical microbiology, he completed a CIHR Canadian HIV Trials Network postdoctoral fellowship examining human papillomavirus (HPV) in HIV-positive men who have sex with men (MSM).

His research and clinical work currently focus on HIV and STI prevention, as well as HPV and anal cancer screening, with a particular focus on MSM. He is currently co-PI on the CIHR Team Grant “HPV Screening and Vaccine Evaluation in HIV-Positive MSM”, and also co-leads two grants on novel syphilis prevention using doxycycline chemoprophylaxis.