- For designing conference posters, see here.
As part of CIHR’s signing of the World Health Organization’s Joint Statement on Public Disclosure of Results from Clinical Trials, all CIHR-funded clinical trials must comply with the following:
- All study publications must include the registration number/Trial ID (to be specified in the article summary/abstract).
Public disclosure of results must be done within a mandated time frame:
- publications describing clinical trial results must be open-access from the date of publication;
- summary results must be publicly available within 12 months from the last visit of the last participant (for collection of data on the primary outcome)
- If you decide to publish a manuscript, each journal has its own format and guidelines for manuscript preparation. For general rules, the EQUAtor website has a searchable database for reporting guidelines.
- Knowledge Translation is the term used when moving the data generated in research into the hands of the organizations that use it. Fraser Health has an excellent toolkit on how to implement research findings into clinical practice.
- CIHR resources on knowledge translation and synthesis and knowledge user engagement.
- Advancing Health also provides support for knowledge translation and communications.